Friday, October 12, 2012

Jacky Joe's Halloween Party: The Ending

[Headnote:  This is the conclusion to a piece of children's Halloween fiction recently written by Googie and illustrated by Sooby.  Before reading the ending, you might want to consult the previous two blog posts for the beginning and middle.]

The story continues . . . .

Jacky Joe sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes.  He stretched a big stretch, yawned a huge yawn, and smiled a gigantic smile.  He jumped out of bed, found his house slippers, and headed for the kitchen, where his mama was already measuring out the sugar, flour, and cocoa for the cupcakes.

On the way, Jacky Joe nearly ran into his dinosaur costume hanging in the doorway.  He stopped a minute to look at it.

"It might scare some of my friends," he thought, "with those sharp, pointy teeth and that slimy green tail."  But Jacky Joe didn't think his costume looked scary at all.  He no longer thought of ghosts or witches or spiders as scary either.  Instead, he thought it all sounded like a lot of Halloween fun.

"I'm not scared at all, Mama," he said, grabbing a wooden spoon to stir the cupcake batter.  "I just know this is going to be the best party ever!"

The End
About the Illustrator

Sooby is a five-year-old kindergartener.  She lives in Kansas.  She loves all kinds of stories and hopes to illustrate many more.  She and her Googie wish everyone a Happy Halloween!

Sooby at work


  1. Wonderful story! Wonderful illustrations!

  2. What a sweet and beautiful collaboration between grandma and the adorable Sooby! This should be on the market. Have you looked for a high quality Halloween story for kids this young? I have! - nothing but junk with no underlying message and conversation opener like this story has....and the pop culture stuff is awful!
